7 Health Benefits of Pâté

In many ways, pâté is a superfood. Its primary ingredient is liver, which is known for its nutrient-rich, comprehensive properties. The overall vitamin makeup varies depending on the meat source – pork, duck, and venison are all popular pâté types – but you can generally count on a decent amount of the following benefits:

Protein – This is a meat-based dish, though seasoning and fat help round out the flavor, so you can expect a high protein-per-serving ratio. This makes pâté an excellent quick snack for days you could use an energy boost!

Vitamin A – This vitamin, also known as retinol, is key for whole body function. Maintaining your vitamin A levels can improve your immune system, cell growth, and even eyesight.

Vitamin D – Commonly known as the “sunshine vitamin,” you can also get a decent dose of this in your midnight pâté snack. Vitamin D is key for bone health, heart health, and overall mood.

B12 – A single serving of pâté can include almost 40% of your daily recommended B12 intake. This vitamin assists red blood cell formation, benefits nerves, and improves energy levels.

Iron – This nutrient almost needs no explanation, as a core component of hemoglobin production and carrying oxygen through your body. It can also improve sleep and memory.

Zinc – Zinc isn’t just for sun protection! Pâté contains a small amount of the recommended intake, which is key for metabolism and immune function. Other sources of zinc include chickpeas, nuts, eggs, and beans.

Gluten-Free and Keto Friendly – Beyond its high vitamin contents, pâté is an excellent component of several health-forward diets, including keto. With no gluten and a high amount of protein, pâté is proof that healthy living can still be delicious.