The Rich History of Couscous Merguez

Ever heard of the Intangible Cultural Heritages List? It’s an official record of humanity’s treasures and traditions, created by UNESCO with the intention of protecting our collective heritage. As of today the list totals 676 elements, with a wide range spanning from flatbread to falconry. In 2020, UNESCO voted to add 32 new items to the list. Among them were the art of miniature, grass mowing, and something near and dear to our own hearts: couscous.

Couscous is a traditional North African grain dish often served with meat, stew, or steamed vegetables. It comes in many sizes and colors, and is distinguished by a light and airy texture. It also soaks up sauces well, making it an incredible canvas for flavorful dishes. Here at Cuisinery, we couldn’t agree more with UNESCO’s decision to honor couscous. In fact, this month we’re honoring it ourselves by launching our latest Ready Meal: couscous merguez.

Merguez is a lamb or beef-based sausage, heavily flavored with rich spices like cumin and harissa, which give the meat a vivid red color. Much like couscous, merguez made its way into European culture from North Africa – more specifically through Algeria. However, the combination of the two dishes is uniquely French. When presented on a mound of buttery couscous, the juices from the merguez soak through the entire entrée, guaranteeing delight in each bite.

Cuisinery’s chef-created couscous merguez recipe features spicy lamb sausages, grilled zucchini, caramelized onions, carrots, chickpeas, and a specialty spice blend that brings it all together as a bright, flavorful, and filling dish. A single pack serves two, making it an excellent option for a quick and appetizing dinner. Your Cuisinery order is delivered within days, and Ready Meals can last in the freezer for up to three months. When you have Cuisinery’s couscous merguez on hand, it’s easy to whip up a delicious dinner in a pinch, or serve when celebrating a special occasion. 

With savory sausage, fluffy couscous, and an array of colorful veggies, it’s hard to imagine a more hearty and satisfying meal than couscous merguez. And while the full recipe isn’t on the Intangible Cultural Heritages List yet, we hope that when the aliens do come, they’ll find a way to enjoy couscous merguez just as humanity does today.