1 hour 10 minutes

Salmon Roulade with Bearnaise Saucee

Servings: 2
Puff Pastry - Salmon


  • Slice your salmon pieces thin and season them with viking salt.
  • Lay the pastry out and coat it with soft herb butter. Place the salmon flat, like a sheet, onto the puff pastry. Roll the pastry back up and let it cool before cutting.
  • Just before baking, cut accross the pastry (on the long side) to create salmon swirls! Bake them at 350° F for approximately 20 minutes. The pastry should be golden when done!
  • Pour bearnaise sauce over your swirls and serve. Bon appétit!
    CHEF TIPS: You can also use the bearnaise sauce as a dip for your salmon swirls.

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