Duck Breast Foie Gras Wellingtons

Cuisine : French
Servings: 1
Puff Pastry - wellington


  • 1 Fresh Large Mushrooms
  • Salt & Pepper


  • Portion your duck breast into 5 equal parts. Season it with salt and pepper. Lightly sear the duck on all sides using high heat. Set it aside to rest then chill for 20 minutes. Do the same with your mushrooms by cutting, searing, and setting them aside!
  • Slice duck on the meat side against the grain. This will allow you to eat without much work! Place the foie gras slices inbetween the cut duck breast slices. Think like a deck of cards!
  • Place your duck, meat side down and fat side up, onto the puff pastry sheet and cut the dough around the duck. The dough will soften quickly, so work on these one at a time and use a cold pan!
  • Place sauteed dried mushrooms at the base of the puff pastry “basket”. Bring the pastry around the prepared duck and fold or pinch the dough tight. Leave the fat exposed on top. Bake until golden brown at a high oven temperature to sear the fat. Bring the temperature down to finish the puff pastry to around 135°.
  • Set finished wellingtons on the center of the plate over warmed morel sauce and serve!
    CHEF TIPS: Seperate this recipe into prep, forming the wellingtons, and cooking. This recipe works best beginning 4 hours before serving!

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